{title:Onward. Christian Soldiers (132)} {key:G} {capo} Title: Onward. Christian Soldiers (132) Onward. Christian Soldiers (132) CAPO 1 (Eb) VERSE 1 [D]On-ward, Christian [A7]sol-diers! Marching as to [D]war, [D]With the cross of[A] Je-sus[B] Go-ing[E7] on be[A7]-fore, [A]Christ, the roy-al [D]Mas-ter, Leads a-gainst the [G]foe; [G]For-ward in-to bat-tle, See His banner g[A]o! CHORUS**************************** {start_of_tab} On-ward, Chris-tian sol-diers! March-ing as to war, {end_of_tab} [D] [A][A7][D] [D]With the [Em]cross of[D] Je-sus[G] Go-ing on[A7] [D]be-fore. VERSE 3 [D]Like a might-y [A7]ar-my Moves the Church of [D]God, [D]Bro-thers, we are [A]tread-ing [B]Where the [E7]saints have [A7]trod, [A]We are not di-[D]vid-ed, All one bod-y [G]we, [G]One in hope and doc-trine, One in char-i-[A]ty. CHORUS**************************** {start_of_tab} On-ward, Chris-tian sol-diers! March-ing as to war, {end_of_tab} [D] [A][A7][D] [D]With the [Em]cross of[D] Je-sus[G] Go-ing on[A7] [D]be-fore. VERSE 4 [D]On-ward, then ye [A7]peo-ple! Join our happy [D]throng, [D]Blend with ours your [A]voic-es [B]In the [E7]tri-umph [A7]song, [A]Glo-ry, laud, and [D]hon-or, Un-to Christ the [G]King, [G]This thro’ countless a-ges Men and an-gels [A]sing. CHORUS**************************** {start_of_tab} On-ward, Chris-tian sol-diers! March-ing as to war, {end_of_tab} [D] [A][A7][D] [D]With the [Em]cross of[D] Je-sus[G] Go-ing on[A7] [D]be-fore. {start_of_tab}